Thursday, January 5, 2012

A New Year and A New Chapter

Today seemed to be the end of a chapter in this saga.  We arrived at the King County Courthouse and Regional Justice Center in Kent for the 8:30AM sentencing hearing of the man who hit us head on back in May.  Also in attendance were members of his family.  We couldn't help but feel bad that they were going through this as well.  In the same way that our lives were altered by his actions, so were theirs.  Good people don't raise a son to be a felon and a drunk driver.  It was obvious they were good people.  It looked as though they were all retired and should be spending their days enjoying lemonade on the porch instead of picking up the pieces of their son's life.  

Eventually Chris walked in, hands cuffed behind his back wearing red prison garb and those horrible plastic sandals.  His head hung low and an obvious dark cloud surrounding him.  There was no shred of pride and nothing, frankly, for him to be proud of in that moment.  He quietly took his seat next to his public defender and in front of his mother and other relatives.  The formal hoops were all jumped through; his guilty plea reiterated and then the state attorney asked the judge for certain penalties for each criminal count.  At that point the court deferred to "the family" who Jeremy represented.

It's an unparalleled opportunity to face the person who nearly killed you and your family.  While that may sound dramatic, the truth is, had the first responders not been there so quickly Jeremy probably would not be alive.  What do you say to a man who is quite obviously broken, but who nearly took your life because of irresponsibility and selfishness?  I guess the better perspective would be to remember what Jesus did for each of us.  Where there is grace and mercy, there is also forgiveness.  That, on an earthly level, is what Chris received - a pardon from Jeremy and Moni as an extension of the pardon that was granted to them when they accepted the sacrifice of Christ.  Jeremy understood that he could very easily have been in the defendant's seat waiting to be given a sentence in his younger days.  There comes a point when God is knocking at your door and you don't need a punch to the gut - you need someone to point you to Christ.  Jeremy surprised the judge, the attorneys, the clerks, Chris and his family by displaying compassion and mercy.  Then in an unprecedented action, the bailiff and the judge allowed Jeremy to spend a face-to-face and hand-to-hand minute or two with Chris.  

In the end, Chris was convicted of felony DUI, felony vehicular assault and misdemeanor reckless driving.  He will serve 12 months concurrently in prison and then will be released with probation along with numerous restrictions that will follow him for the rest of his life.  After such time there will be a hearing to follow up with his probation and, most likely, hefty restitution enforced by the court.  

Call it irony or orchestration by God, but it turns out that Chris' mother and grandmother attend Lake Sawyer Christian Church along with Jeremy, Moni and the girls.  They have been praying that Chris would receive forgiveness from his victims and had been carrying such deep sorrow for what their son had done.  There were many tears and hugs in the hallway after the hearing was over.  In the end it was evident that God's hand was in every aspect of this situation - from the first responders being so close, to the eternal wake up call that Chris received, to the community at LSCC.  

Friday, June 17, 2011

Finally Home!

Dear Family and Friends,

Let me start off by saying...What an amazing God we serve!  We (Jeremy and Moni) were able to move home on Tuesday June 14th.  We moved home on Shelby's 7th birthday.  Shelby has decided that this has been the best birthday ever!  After a month of being away from our children, what a blessing it is to be home.

We first of all want to thank all of you for everything you have done and are continuing to do for us.  We are humbled and blessed by your kindness.  You have truly been the Lord's hands and feet.  This has been so beautiful to watch happen right before our very eyes.  We are so amazed by this.  A week after the accident the Lord gave our little Shelby her first verse.  It was Psalm 20:1-2, "May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.  May he send you help from the sanctuary (LSCC) and grant you support from Zion."  Shelby read this and said, "Mama!  That is so cool!"  She saw that this verse was exactly what God was doing for our family.  We both are overjoyed how God is revealing himself to our little Shelby.  Please pray that God continues to work in her.  It has been so amazing to watch this take place.  Watch out Lucy!  You're next!  :)

We are continuing to heal up nicely.  Jeremy is now hobbling around the house without his cane (naughty, naughty) and has kicked the walker aside!  His range of motion with his right arm is great!  He's gaining movement in his right hand and is beginning to be able to hold some things in it. Please pray for him as he greatly desires to be back to work and is struggling with sitting around.

I (Moni) am healing up well.  The doctor says I'm about half way through my recovery.  I'm just waiting for broken bones to heal.  But I am making very good progress. 

My parents are still here from Alabama staying with us, helping us with all the everyday things that we greatly desire to be able to do, but just can't yet.  Soon though!

We are so thankful for all your help and prayers.  Please continue to pray for speedy recovery and that God be honored in EVERYTHING.

Much Love,

The Parker Family

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A day's adventure ...

Today was a big day for the Parker family.  Moni's parents brought the girls over for a visit.  They all piled into the car and headed to Target where Moni tried her hand at driving the motorized cart with her left hand.  Like we said, it was an adventure!  The fresh air and getting out seems to have done them both some good. 

Moni's mobility continues to improve.  She is able to get up and down by herself and the dizzy spells are subsiding.  Additionally, Jeremy's strength continues to improve.  He went on today's field trip without being left totally exhausted, his right leg is getting stronger everyday and he has started eating with his right hand. 

The Parkers are overwhelmed by people's kindness and love and are tremendously grateful for everything that has been done for them.  This experience truly has been, and will continue to be, a demonstration of the love that the Body of Christ should have for one another. 

P.S.  Jeremy and Moni will be relocating to friends' house in Maple Valley on Sunday, May 29.  This will put them much closer to their kids and the majority of you who have been helping out.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Home, Sweet, Home ... kind of

Sorry for the lapse in updates.  It's been a busy few days as we restructure life.  Jeremy at Jennifer and Adam's house along with Moni and the girls are back home in Enumclaw with Moni's parents.  Looking at the girls, you would never know that they went through this accident.  They are running around, laughing and playing like normal. 

Moni continues to heal, although sometimes it feels like a very slow pace.  Her pain persists, especially when sitting up and laying down or when anything pushes her right shoulder.  There are many simple movements that we take for granted that she cannot do right now.  The good news is that everything is exactly where it needs to be to heal.

Jeremy continues to get stronger and more mobile everyday, although there is still a long road ahead.  Usage of his right hand is improving, but is still only a fraction of what it was.  This is due to stretched out tendons and nerves in his elbow from the dislocation.  He has a good range of motion in his leg, but lacks the strength to use that range by himself. 

On a financial note, it will be some time before either of them are capable of work.  In the coming days there will be a trust account set up in order to receive contributions so that we can make sure all their financial needs are met.  Once that is set up, we will make sure to get the word out. 

Many of you have visited, sent meals, sent cards and been a huge encouragement to their immediate and extended family.  Thank you for all that has been done for them and in advance for everything that will be done.

Friday, May 20, 2011

A BIG day!

Today was a big day for both Jeremy and Moni.  Moni had a follow up visit with an orthopedic surgeon today.  Both her collar bone and her knee cap are lined up the way they should be and should heal easily.  Both must stay immobilized for another 4 weeks or so.  Mostly, the collar bone and bruised sternum are what continue to bother her.  Both cause a lot of pain over very normal activity.

Jeremy stood up today very successfully!  This morning he moved over to a chair and sat upright in it for about 10-15 minutes.  After that, he got a surprise visit by Moni and Adam.  This was the first time Jeremy had seen Moni since the accident.  She saw him in ICU but he was sedated.  A little while later, he was visited by our uncle, aunt and grandmother who drove 3 hours to come see him and then they visited Moni.  To round off the afternoon he pushed through a particularly tough physical therapy session.  He stood up, using a walker with an arm rest, walked abut12 feet to the hallway and back!  They are really pushing his therapy.  The harder he pushes himself, the stronger and faster he will recover. 

They are talking about discharging him tomorrow, pending a couple goals met.  If not, it should be Sunday.  Keep an eye out for more developments! 

Recovery Update

Today Jeremy got out of bed and sat up in a chair!  It was very, very tiring, especially after having done his physical therapy exercises and a very restless night.  However, this was a huge improvement over yesterday afternoon's attempt at standing.  He is still experiencing some dizziness when sitting upright or standing.  He has good range of movement in both his elbow and leg.  He doesn't have full usage of his right hand, however.  This is due to the soft tissue damage in his elbow.  His hand and fingers can move through their full range but only when manipulated - not on their own strength.  His pain level is fairly low considering what he went through until he does therapy and then the pain level goes up and he gets very tired.  Exhaustion is a major factor right now along with appetite and sleep.

Moni had a follow up visit with the orthopedic surgeon today.  Both her collar bone and knee cap fractures are lined up well and headed for a good recovery.  She needs to continue to keep her knee straight all the time. 

Things to pray for:
  • Pain control
  • Quick recovery
  • A good appetite
  • Quality sleep 
  • For all the legal and insurance wrinkles to get ironed out quickly
  • Encouragement

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A tiring day ...

Today, Adam (brother-in-law) and Jennifer (sister) switched places so Jennifer is back at Harborview and Adam is with Moni.  Jeremy's morning was busy and he feels like he "over did it".  When physical therapy rolled around, it was very difficult.  He nearly passed out when trying to stand up.  Needless to say, PT was cut short.  After that some dear friends came for a short visit and then a nap.  He is not on any pain medication other than Tylenol every few hours which is absolutely amazing!  His elbow is doing well and mobile, and he has some physical therapy to do to keep the soft tissue in shape.  But as far as his leg goes, standing is the extent of what he can do right.  He does some exercises laying down. 

Please continue to pray for pain management for both Jeremy and Moni and also that they don't become discouraged in their physical recovery.